Installation Treon Industrial Node and Industrial Node 6

Treon Industrial Node Treon Industrial Node 6


When mounting the Treon Industrial Node and Treon Industrial Node 6 to a monitored equipment, it is important to consider the location of the sensor and the contact between the sensor and the machine. The best location to attach the sensor depends on the machine and the monitored vibration source.

For best measurement quality, the contact surface on the machine should be

  • completely flat: within 0.03 mm (1 mil = 1/1000th inch)
  • smooth: surface texture no greater than Ra 0.8 (32 microinches)
  • larger than the base of the Industrial Node: It is recommended that the Industrial Node is mounted via a drilled and tapped hole directly to the machine housing.

In cases where the surface of the machine is curved or uneven, epoxy must be used between the machine surface and the Industrial Node. Screwing the Treon Industrial Node to a curved surface may lead to the node’s bolt twisting and therefore permanent damage to the device.

There are four possible installation methods that we recommend:

Installation MethodBondingSurfaceThread HoleCurved SurfaceManual Alignment
Without AdapterMechanical32 mm18.5 mmnono
Treon Nut AdapterMechanical/Epoxy25 mm9.5 mmnoyes
Treon Magnetic Mount AdapterEpoxy32 mmnoneyesyes
Treon Glue Mount AdapterGlue32 mmnonenoyes
Four different ways to attach the Industrial Node to your machine surface.


Temperature Measurement

In case you would also like to measure the temperature of the machine, the optimal installation method is without an adapter. Only with this way the measurement point of the Treon Industrial Node or Treon Industrial Node 6 is deep enough below the machine surface to measure the temperature accurately.

Installation via the Treon Nut Adapter will still produce valuable temperature data, but is in general not as accurate as the installation without any adapter.

Installation with a Treon Magnetic Mount Adapter or the Treon Glue Mount Adapter is not recommended if you would like to have accurate machine temperature measurements. With these installation methods, the temperature data for your machine will be in low resolution and with low accuracy.


Installation without adapter

The Treon Industrial Node is directly attached to the machine surface. This minimizes the vibration transmission route for best measurement quality. Manual alignment of the Treon Industrial Node is not possible with this installation method.

Installation without any adapter requires a flat surface of 32 mm diameter, and a hole for an M8 bolt with 18.5 mm depth of threading.

Read the full article on installation without an adapter here.

Installation with Treon Nut Adapter

Using a Treon Nut Adapter enables attaching the Treon Industrial Node to a spot with less available space in diameter, a shorter M8 opening with less threading and with additional epoxy to uneven surface. It is possible to manually align the Treon Industrial Node.

Installation with a Treon Nut Adapter requires a Treon Nut Adapter, a flat surface area of at least 25 mm diameter, a hole for M8 bolt with 9.5 mm depth of threading, and optional epoxy.

Read the full article on installation with a Treon Nut Adapter here.

Installation with Treon Magnetic Mount Adapter

Using the Treon Magnetic Mount Adapter enables attaching the Treon Industrial Node to uneven surfaces and without any opening for a bolt. It is possible to manually align the Treon Industrial Node.

Installation with a Treon Magnetic Mount Adapter requires a Treon Magnetic Mount Adapter, epoxy, and a surface area of minimum 32 mm diameter.

Read the full article on installation with a Treon Magnetic Mount Adapter here.

Installation with Treon Glue Mount Adapter

Using the Treon Glue Mount Adapter enables attaching the Treon Industrial Node with glue. It is possible to manually align the Treon Industrial Node.

Installation with a Treon Glue Mount Adapter requires a Treon Glue Mount Adapter, suitable glue, and a surface area of at least 32 mm diameter.

Read the full article on Installation with a Treon Glue Mount Adapter here.