Treon Gateway in Protective Enclosure

Firmware Releases & Release Notes

Welcome to the Treon Knowledgebase Update section for Treon Gateways Here you will find information on how to update the Treon Gateway, Treon Gateway 2 and Treon Gateway in Protective Enclosure.

Change the Wirepas Network Parameters

Introduction Please note: This article is for Treon Gateways with a Treon Aito release version of 6.0 or higher and a Wirepas network release version 5.x. Please note: Make sure you know what network you are changing your devices to.

Treon Aito Release 7.3.2 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 7.3.2 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 7.2 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 7.2 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 7.1 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 7.1.1 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 7.0 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 7.0.1 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 6.5 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 6.5.2 for Gateway software release. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 6.4 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 6.4 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 6.3 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 6.3 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.

Treon Aito Release 6.2 for Gateway

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 6.2 for Gateway. Update Link Update link: Command line: fwupdate-run --use-device-cert   Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly.