Treon Aito Release 6.4 for Gateway
This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 6.4 for Gateway.
Update Link
Update link:
Command line:
fwupdate-run --use-device-cert
Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly. Please see this article to learn more about updating your gateway.
What’s New
- ConfigUI now has better China support with as an option besides as ping address.
- ConfigUI now shows WiFi MAC in Status view.
- Removable drive is now mounted automatically, resulting in easier use of USB storage.
Scripts and commands
- “wp_ota” and “nodefwupdater” “ERROR: Could not find any wirepas sinks, make sure iotgw is running” fixed.
- “wp_ota” “DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead.” fixed.
- “command_node” GET,ACC_ALERT,TIMING now returns correct value.
- “command_node” now has DEVICE,RESET and DEVICE,SHUTOFF options.
- “iotgw_debug” is a new command used to turn on DEBUG in iotgw logs for a set time period.
- “communication_debug” is a new command used to turn on DEBUG in logs other than iotgw logs for a set time period.
Security and logs
- When failing to enter the password for SSH incorrectly 15 times there will be a 30 minute ban. Further attempts to connect just return “connection refused” same as for an offline device.
- ConfigUI can now disable Maintenance connection.
Stability and bugfixes
Gateway button timings changed to:
0s: button press is initiated and held constantly
5s: the led starts blinking blue
30s: the led turns red and stops blinking
55s: the led is red and begins to blink rapidly
60s: device wipe is executedErasing the configuration by holding the button for 60 seconds now will not break the capability to use tethering to enter ConfigUI.
Gateway more reliably prefers Ethernet over WiFi. Ethernet connection means a working LAN, not necessarily connected to the Internet.
Updating with DM commands without any cloud adapter configured is now more reliable.
“systemd-timesyncd” since “connman” already has ntp client.
APN for Vodafone Germany now autodetects properly, “” kept and “” was removed.
Treon Gateway now executes a manual search for mobile networks in case the automatic search fails. It prioritizes the preferred network issued on SIM card. In case that is not available it picks the first suitable mobile network on the list of found networks.
Diagnostics parser was deprecated as it is no longer needed.
- Updatehooks bug where it might not fully finalize fixed.
- .NET runtime added to iotgw image.
- /usr/local/share/ca-certificates is now persistent.
- iotgw:app passthrough parser can be used to pass raw Wirepas message payload. Coded as base64 in field APDU. It uses the Wirepas address as SensorNodeId and adds a new key “Wp” that contains Wirepas message details: sinkid, src ep, dst ep, traveltime, QoS/hop count.
No migration needed from Treon Aito Release 6.0.0 for Gateway.
Target devices
All Treon Gateways and Treon Gateways in Protective Enclosure.