Treon Aito Release 7.2 for Gateway

Jan 9, 2024 · 2 minutes to read

Treon Gateway Treon Gateway 2 Treon Gateway in Protective Enclosure

This article gives the update link and the release notes for the Treon Aito Release 7.2 for Gateway.

Update link:

Command line:

fwupdate-run --use-device-cert


Please note: The update file cannot be downloaded via your browser, the Treon Gateway needs to access the update server directly. Please see this article to learn more about updating your gateway.


What’s New Treon Aito Release 7.2 for Gateway

This new release implements new features for the Configuration UI, specifically when it comes to deploying the nodes. Now you can check easily from Configuration UI what nodes are connected to the Treon Gateway and even turn on the Mesh Diagnostics temporarily to see the connection strength between the nodes. There is some future proofing with fields like Installation Quality that will require Wirepas 5.3.

New Configuration UI Features

  • Now you can update the Treon Gateway firmware from Configuration UI.
  • The Node Inventory feature can be accessed from Configuration UI so you can verify what nodes are connected to the Treon Gateway.
  • Mesh Diagnostics now can be configured from Configuration UI.
    • You can enable Mesh Diagnostics with a 1 minute interval and access the data easily from the Configuration UI.
    • Disabling the feature from here or rebooting will revert back to the previous configuration.


  • Fixed an error where a hidden SSID could make the Wi-Fi scan in Configuration UI fail.
  • Fixed an error where SSID names with spaces were being cut short in Configuration UI Wi-Fi scan.
  • Fixed an error where changing Time Servers (NTP) in Configuration UI would not be saved properly.
  • Fixed an error where switching AP mode on would fail if the Treon Gateway was already connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Developer notes

  • The service that loads the rules to iptables has been changed from firewall-restore to iptables.


Target devices
All Treon provided Treon Gateways, Treon Gateways 2 and Treon Gateways in Protective Enclosure.


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